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ICT Showroom

The program was supposed to start at around 10 but we had to be there an hour earlier to manage or arrange the stall.

Here is experiences of the team members who were at ICT Showroom.

Bikram Pangeni:

To be honest, I had a really good time. For me personally this was big deal for me. As I have a phobia of mass communication, this event helped me a little to overcome my fear. There were a lot of good products or games. I came across a lot of games that were very interesting and innovative. As there were many IT companies attending, the event was very helpful for the developers to expand their horizon. There was very little arm. That openness led to tremendous communication opportunities which built great relationships which in my opinion are at the core of every great event.

Although there have been lots of issues regarding the event that I admired however the sole thing I didn't like was that there weren’t prizes or a way of appreciation for the game that didn't have that abundant business oriention.

Mitra Kohnesheen:

The ICT- showroom was fun. I really enjoyed explaining my work to the visitors and I met a lot of new people and companies. The visitors to our stand were enthusiastic and that gave me a boost as well.

Eerik Ilomäki:

I was very excited for ICT showroom and I was not disappointed. It was fun seeing all these projects and I had a blast telling about our project to others. I could have spent days discussing new innovations with people.

Mette Johansson:

I am almost always scared to have presentations in front of people. For some reason I was never scared in ICT Showroom... I had instead so much fun that I actually loved to talk to people and present our game!! :D The experience was so precious that I will cherish it in the future! :P

Georgina Szép:

The ICT showroom was a great possibility to receive visibility for our project, and also to check out other project and what the other students are working on. I enjoyed telling about our project and discussing the potential in this new way of learning and also widening my view from the other project. Professionally it was a great day.

Juha Aarnio:

It was exciting to be able to see what other teams had been doing in their projects. There were many interesting projects, but not enough time to see all of them!

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