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Scenario, interviews and mock-up.


People will learn professional Swedish by playing our game.


This is Dave. Dave goes places within Latvia. Dave is going to Daugavpils in winter. You see Dave riding in a car. But then he needs to dodge another car. But then he can’t get a grip on the road anymore and crashes into a tree. Dave is not harmed. “It’s just a scratch!” And search for the emergency papers. He found the papers and is looking at them. You see the A4, but some words are scratched away. You can connect the missing parts to the paper..



1) Have you ever played any language learning games?

- What did you like about them?

- What game?

- Did you learn the language?

2) What do you think about Swedish? Would you like to learn it?


1. She has played language learning games. It was matching pictures and words. She thought that it was too basic and if there would be more tasks then you would learn more the language. She doesn’t remember the game or the language. She would like to play a Swedish learning game.

2. She has played some games. They were fine and she thinks that she learned something. There were different kind of tasks. Does not remember the name of the game. She would not play a Swedish language learning game.

3. He has not played any language learning games before. If the game would have different levels of language learning skills then it would be nice. He doesn’t like Swedish so he wouldn’t play the game.

4. She has played Duolingo. The listening comprehensions was bad, because if there were backround noice, then you wouldn’t hear anything or couldn’t answer the questions. She liked the different levels of skills on the game. Listening comprehension is the most effective. She has studied basic Swedish before and she would like to learn Swedish by a learning game. The backround story would be a good addition but some people would like a language learning game without the storyline and would maybe ignore it. Some generations prefer storyline and others not.

5. She doesn’t remember any games but would like to play language learning games. Prefers different types of tasks. And would like to learn Swedish language.

6. He has not played any language games before. He would like to play language games. He would prefer different types of tasks in the game. The backround story would be a good addition but some people would like a language learning game without the storyline and would maybe ignore it.

7. He has played some language learning games. Liked them and learned the basics. Would only play a Swedish learning game if it is very compelling, oyherwise not. Our game does sound interesting and he would try it. He knows basic Swedish.

8. He has played some games. Has played Word Dive. Did not like that you couldn’t review prewies or go back and check something. Did like that the game let you work on something that was difficult until you managed it. Did help some. He started taking the actual language courses insted and that was better. He wasn’t interesed in Swedish but if someone would be then it could be useful. He thinks that the storyline is a good idea for learning languages. A game with interactive tasks.

9. Has not played any language learning games. This person likes Swedish and took some courses at UNI. Studies business. Would like to practice Swedish and business culture.

10. Has played some language learning games but doesn't remember the names. Would want different kind of tasks for different skills. Not interested in Swedish. Would like to practice business culture.

11. Has played language games before, Duolingo. Liked the different tasks and levels. Would like to learn Swedish. Studies business and there fore would like to learn about business culture.


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