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About the group members


My name is Mette Johansson. I am 21 years old, and I  study Chemical engineering at Turku university of applied science for 3rd year.


I have strengths in chemical engineering and teamwork. I am also a creative thinker. I would like to learn more about programming, coding and visualizing.

For me the swedish language is really important because it is my main language. Finland is a bilingual country and so am I.

My fear is that the swedish language will disappear from Finland. With this project we hopeful will get more people interested about the swedish language around the world and especially in Finland.

I am really excited of our project and what kind of a fun learning game we will create. My motivation is high, at least for now. 

"To go forward, you need to know where you come from."



My name is Aarne Kuusisto and I am 21 years old. I`m a 3rd year Chemical engineering student from Turku university of applied science.

My strengths are in chemical engineering but I also have strengths in creativity and teamwork. I am interested in visualizing and what comes to the game creating process. 

Yet I have no expectations about this project but I'm sure my expectations will grow towards the end. 

I​ am very excited about the project and what we are able to create because it will be for a good cause. :3

" No worries, everything will be just fine."


my name is Bikram pangeni and I am from Nepal. I love programming, I am not excellent at it but I try.I love playing video games and would love to create one. I am a 3rd-year student at Turku University of applied science currently studying game development.
I am very excited to join this project because I have never done web-based programming at this level. I am also excited to create something that will help people.
I have a little experience with web-based programming, android app development as I did it in one of the courses here. 
The thing I am very bad at is communication or breaking the ice with a person.
"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised."



I’m Sanne Jelink and I am an exchange student from the Netherlands. I study Multimedia design and I’m taking the game design course here in Turku. I’m currently in my 4th year. My hobbies are hiking, drawing and gaming.

This project sounds really fun to me. Working on games is something that I have great interest in, and my dream job would be to make educational games for children.

I have experience in 2D art, design and some basic coding.

My strengths are my experience in making games and working with people in general. My biggest weakness is that I at times have higher expectations for my own work than what is realistic.

Hey all,

I am Georgina, a 21 years old student from Hungary. I moved to Finland almost 2,5 years ago. I started my third year at TUAS in September at the International Business Programme. My main interest is online/social media (SoMe) marketing from my field of business. I had the possibility to take part in projects where I could develop practical experience in SoMe. 
I am currently working in the field of education as a project assistant for an online degree at TUAS. Over theses months I kind of had a career path change. I became more passionate and interested in online education than marketing. This new virtual era we are stepping into brings many new possibilities to all the different fields of businesses. Exploring these new opportunities and developing them is a great a challenge. 
I am a very social and extrovert person. I like working in international environment and get to know new people. I prefer to spend my free time with my family and closest friends. My main passion in life is dancing, almost any type of. 
I am looking forward to this project, since I get to work with international students from different fields of businesses. This, for sure will be a great adventure of challenges and learning.



I'm Madelon Fidder (call me Maddie if you like), 23 years old and an exchange student from the Netherlands. I study Communications and Multimedia Design at my home school and doing the minor Game Development in Turku, Finland. The things I love (to do); travel around, watching comedy or horror movies, Game of Thrones, Gaming, Skyrim, Battleblock theater, designing, talk with friend and going out.
Would love to improve my communication skills with team members, get more experience with making games and have nice project.

Designing, thinking out of the box, being unique, much gaming experience, hard working, eager to learn and can be very enthousiastic! 
I hate giving negative feedback to people, explaining things can be hard for me, I can easily get stressed out if there is no overview and wants to do more work that mentally possible.

I have experiences in:
Setting up an icon design and make it
Helped with developing E-learnings
Have been in some projects
Knows Scrum
Made websites with HTML & CSS
Flyer and brochure design
Doing research on subjects
User Experiences



my name is Karin and I'm a third-year student here in Turku University of Applied Sciences. I'm studying IT technology focusing in information security. I'm looking forward on being an information security specialist one day. 
My other interests are languages. My mother language is Finnish and I can speak fluent English and Swedish. I've also studied German and Russian (can't speak any Russian though.) I've been working in a little grocery store for three years now and I get to use Swedish there on daily basis. 
On my free time I like to watch different TV series and films with my friends. I love food, dogs and music. My sister has a black labrador called Piki and we hang out a lot together. 
My strenghts for this project are my Swedish skills and I've done a bit of coding. We did a game with Unity in one course but I wouldn't say that I can properly use it. I'm excited to see what is the result of this project and I'm confident that we have a good team.



my name Juha. Im a 3rd year student from Turku University of Applied Sciences who studies IT, more specifically game development. I am good at programming and know the basics of graphic design, and I want to learn more about designing graphics and application design. Im also interested about project work in general.

My strengths lie in my understanding and interest in mechanical and software systems, and I strive to do my work as good as possible. My weakness is my lack of experience in graphics design and in general my lack of experience in working as a part of big projects. Oh, and I also have more enthusiasm than skills 😊

On my free time I play video games and watch movies every now and then. I am really excited about this project, and I really hope I can contribute to this project, and help make something that can be developed further.

“Kebab is live, Pizza is love”



I'm Chung. I'm from Vietnam. I'm studying Game Design in Turku University of Applied Sciences as a third year student. 
I'm very interested in programming, creating application, I always do some thing relating to coding during spare time. I often play game as well, especially 3D game. I want to combine graphic, audios, make it work. That why I chose to become a game programmer.
This is the second project I participate in. I have little experience in game programming, application and embedded programming.
My strengths are my programming experience in game development, hard working and solving problem. 
My weakness is that I want everything to be perfect at once. Sometime, it is difficult for me to find a best solution for my program.



I'm Eerik and I'm 24-years-old. I study Library and Information services in Turku University of Applied Sciences. I'm currently in the third year of my studies. As a librarian, I'm interested in media education for all ages, but most of my experience is with children and senior citizens. 
In my free time I read books and watch movies. I also play a lot of video games and even though I do not know how to program anything, I'm really looking forward working in this project. I think libraries would greatly benefit from learning more about education through games and other types of interactive medias. 

I think my strength is that I'm open to everything and very eager to learn new things. My biggest weakness is probably my unorganized lifestyle, I'm not that good at planning.








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